MoF |
TashkenT |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
21/01/21 22:00 |
67KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
252,668,190 |
21/01/22(Fri),04:52:15 |
1.00a |
2.45% |
th10_07.rpy |
1st Lunatic 1cc, previous replay is broken |
MoF |
TashkenT |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
21/01/21 22:00 |
67KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
252,668,190 |
21/01/22(Fri),04:11:52 |
1.00a |
2.45% |
th10_17.rpy |
1st Lunatic 1cc |
EoSD |
icterine |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
01/20/21 |
77KB |
Lunatic |
141,711,480 |
21/01/21(Thu),12:05:13 |
0.350165% |
th6_01.rpy |
so many dumb mistakes lol |
IN |
forTOURI |
Marisa & Alice |
2021/01/21 01:12:06 |
29KB |
Lunatic |
Clear |
2,839,144,390 |
21/01/21(Thu),01:13:37 |
1.00d |
8 |
23 |
0.000000% |
54.11 |
th8_01.rpy |
SA |
Crisp NB |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
21/01/19 22:59 |
79KB |
Hard |
All Clear |
389,927,450 |
21/01/20(Wed),09:25:39 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
th11_02.rpy |
HNB (Hard No Bomb) |
UwBr |
21/01/18 17:03 |
41KB |
All Clear |
5,433,537 |
21/01/19(Tue),10:19:41 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
alco_11.rpy |
NMNB of the funny beer game |
SA |
SM |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
21/01/18 20:53 |
99KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
3,348,143,560 |
21/01/19(Tue),05:08:56 |
1.00a |
0.02% |
th11_01.rpy |
LoLK |
toimine |
Sanae Kochiya |
21/01/18 16:29 |
92KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
706,372,620 |
21/01/18(Mon),21:21:09 |
1.00b |
0.08% |
th15_02.rpy |
lunatic even less effort |
ExNV |
Sanae Kochiya(B) |
21/01/17 13:29 |
35KB |
Extra |
Stage Clear |
199,931,230 |
21/01/17(Sun),21:41:04 |
1.00b |
0.00% |
th12_03.rpy |
extra no ventura |
SA |
Pigeon |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
21/01/16 17:13 |
92KB |
Normal |
All Clear |
174,573,320 |
21/01/17(Sun),01:16:18 |
1.00a-EN |
0.00% |
th11_04.rpy |
Pigeon tier quality |
LoLK |
toimine |
Sanae Kochiya |
21/01/16 14:18 |
88KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
635,894,360 |
21/01/16(Sat),19:17:04 |
1.00b |
0.03% |
th15_01.rpy |
lunatic no effort |
MoF |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
21/01/15 20:01 |
66KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
697,337,350 |
21/01/16(Sat),13:36:26 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
th10_18.rpy |
MoF LNB, somehow also 5 miss |
IN |
Crested |
Youmou & Yuyuko |
2021/01/14 11:54:25 |
30KB |
Lunatic |
Clear |
2,443,501,720 |
21/01/14(Thu),13:13:56 |
1.00d |
8 |
0 |
0.160480% |
45.49 |
th8_15.rpy |
FinalB |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/11 19:23 |
1KB |
Extra |
Stage |
9,596,800 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:58:51 |
1.00c |
0.20% |
th13_12.rpy |
A perfect run of the spell N111: Second Duel "Carnivorous Danmaku Transformation" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/11 19:21 |
1KB |
Extra |
Stage |
9,410,870 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:55:24 |
1.00c |
0.23% |
th13_11.rpy |
an perfect run of the spell N108: Unknown "Skyfish with Unknown Shape" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/11 19:19 |
2KB |
Extra |
Stage |
8,666,330 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:52:29 |
1.00c |
0.23% |
th13_10.rpy |
An perfect run of the spell N109: Unknown "Youkai Orb of Unknown Mechanics" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/11 19:12 |
1KB |
Extra |
Stage |
9,067,330 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:50:13 |
1.00c |
0.00% |
th13_09.rpy |
An perfect run of the spell N107: Unknown "Will-o'-wisps in Unknown Orbit" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/11 19:11 |
1KB |
Extra |
Stage |
9,285,840 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:47:37 |
1.00c |
0.00% |
th13_08.rpy |
An perfect run of the spell N112: Third Duel "Avian Danmaku Transformation" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
20/11/06 13:38 |
1KB |
Lunatic |
Stage 1 |
2,816,140 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:44:32 |
1.00c |
5.01% |
th13_02.rpy |
An perfect run of the spell N14: Cherry Blossom Sign "Saigyou Cherry Blossom Blizzard" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/12 15:16 |
1KB |
Lunatic |
Stage 1 |
3,371,500 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:42:47 |
1.00c |
10.94% |
th13_15.rpy |
An perfect run of the spell N12: Nether Sign "Endless Evening Cherry Blossoms" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/12 15:15 |
1KB |
Lunatic |
Stage 1 |
3,092,520 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:39:54 |
1.00c |
8.77% |
th13_14.rpy |
An perfect run of the spell N8: Ghostly Butterfly "Ghost Spot - Cherry Blossoms -" |
TD |
Leaf |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/12 15:13 |
1KB |
Lunatic |
Stage 1 |
3,076,400 |
21/01/13(Wed),03:39:00 |
1.00c |
8.28% |
th13_13.rpy |
An perfect run of the spell N°4: Symbol "Dance of the Dead Butterflies - Cherry Blossoms -" |
MoF |
Wobufet3 |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
21/01/12 00:42 |
38KB |
Extra |
Stage Clear |
347,701,400 |
21/01/12(Tue),16:05:34 |
1.00a |
0.03% |
th10_13.rpy |
First ever legit clear of MoF extra |
Gorilla |
Sanae Kochiya(B) |
21/01/11 17:10 |
80KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
256,889,530 |
21/01/11(Mon),21:57:03 |
1.00b |
0.23% |
th12_01.rpy |
🦍 |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/10 16:48 |
76KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
182,228,260 |
21/01/11(Mon),08:02:55 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
th16_06.rpy |
No Bomb & No Release; Apparently my worst stage is stage 3, lol |
SA |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
20/11/02 21:21 |
89KB |
Normal |
All Clear |
157,689,250 |
21/01/11(Mon),05:02:25 |
1.00a |
0.02% |
th11_14.rpy |
IN |
JovyLNN |
Reimu & Yukari |
2014/10/11 11:54:46 |
31KB |
Lunatic |
Clear |
3,704,171,660 |
21/01/10(Sun),23:53:26 |
1.00d-NDT |
0 |
0 |
0.000000% |
29.98 |
th8_ud0000.rpy |
LNNFS (Final B) |
IN |
JoviNNFS |
Reimu & Yukari |
2021/01/10 14:51:23 |
29KB |
Lunatic |
Clear |
2,983,188,640 |
21/01/10(Sun),23:52:08 |
1.00d |
0 |
0 |
0.000000% |
26.24 |
th8_02.rpy |
LNNFS (Final A) |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
01/03 |
24KB |
Extra |
760,381,030 |
21/01/10(Sun),15:08:30 |
1.00b |
0.094% |
th7_08.rpy |
i should have died 3 times at unilateral contract. i also got lucky and didn't die a single time on the last two spells. |
SA |
Pickled |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
21/01/10 16:41 |
86KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
827,935,230 |
21/01/10(Sun),14:49:43 |
1.00a |
0.02% |
th11_12.rpy |
MoF |
Crisp |
Marisa Kirisame(B) |
21/01/10 02:27 |
50KB |
Hard |
All Clear |
1,321,038,280 |
21/01/10(Sun),11:28:52 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
th10_05.rpy |
1.3b |
Crisp |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
08/29 |
67KB |
Hard |
971,379,630 |
21/01/09(Sat),06:21:55 |
1.00b |
0.093% |
th7_13.rpy |
TD |
Crisp |
Marisa Kirisame |
21/01/08 21:08 |
80KB |
Hard |
All Clear |
720,673,950 |
21/01/09(Sat),06:09:51 |
1.00c |
0.03% |
th13_04.rpy |
Scrub |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
12/08 |
64KB |
Lunatic |
478,492,020 |
21/01/08(Fri),19:32:53 |
1.00b |
0.353% |
th7_13.rpy |
SA |
Kiran |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
12/10/17 20:44 |
82KB |
Normal |
All Clear |
208,666,430 |
21/01/08(Fri),00:04:34 |
1.00a-EN |
0.00% |
th11_17.rpy |
IN |
Jared |
Reimu & Yukari |
2021/01/07 01:31:42 |
30KB |
Lunatic |
Clear |
2,583,202,460 |
21/01/07(Thu),22:24:27 |
1.00d |
4 |
0 |
0.000000% |
27.98 |
th8_07.rpy |
Brilliant run; incredibly proud of this one!! |
Cirno |
21/01/07 18:45 |
16KB |
Lunatic |
Stage 4 |
17,082,210 |
21/01/07(Thu),18:46:43 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
th16_03.rpy |
TD |
jettoNB |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/06 18:33 |
93KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
491,178,050 |
21/01/07(Thu),05:22:22 |
1.00c |
0.39% |
th13_17.rpy |
Anibal |
Marisa Kirisame |
19/04/23 14:08 |
34KB |
Extra |
Stage Clear |
168,120,660 |
21/01/07(Thu),03:13:05 |
1.00a |
0.02% |
th16_17.rpy |
Perfect Ex Run |
PoFV |
J |
21/01/06 |
131KB |
Lunatic |
Story |
21/01/06(Wed),19:43:01 |
1.50a |
5.0 vs 5.0 |
th9_02.rpy |
267,797,440 |
PoFV |
J |
21/01/05 |
128KB |
Lunatic |
Story |
21/01/06(Wed),06:23:20 |
1.50a |
5.0 vs 5.0 |
th9_03.rpy |
241,617,090 |
LoLK |
ahegao |
Reimu Hakurei |
21/01/04 19:21 |
3KB |
Lunatic |
Stage 6 |
710 |
21/01/04(Mon),19:22:52 |
1.00b |
0.43% |
th15_06.rpy |
PoFV |
???????? |
21/01/04 |
112KB |
Lunatic |
Story |
21/01/04(Mon),17:54:38 |
1.50a |
5.0 vs 5.0 |
th9_09.rpy |
rip |
Aya Shameimaru |
20/07/24 20:26 |
116KB |
Lunatic |
1 ` 6 |
6,713,060,050 |
21/01/04(Mon),05:50:05 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
th16_12.rpy |
Old run that I never uploaded until now |
Sakuya Izayoi(B) |
21/01/03 16:27 |
89KB |
Easy |
All Clear |
457,658,200 |
21/01/04(Mon),01:52:01 |
1.00b |
0.00% |
th14_13.rpy |
DDC multiplayer by Crispyz and Yuyutato (Quack) |
MoF |
Kamo |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
20/12/26 17:44 |
70KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
1,499,185,300 |
21/01/04(Mon),01:05:29 |
1.00a |
0.04% |
th10_10.rpy |
LNNFS kamoneko |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
20/07/04 15:46 |
80KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
310,116,940 |
21/01/03(Sun),17:24:16 |
1.00b |
0.00% |
th12_14.rpy |
old |
Marisa Kirisame |
21/01/02 17:06 |
74KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
216,225,190 |
21/01/03(Sun),10:40:39 |
1.00a |
0.00% |
th16_14.rpy |
LNNN lost to extreme winter #3 |
Anomalo |
Sakuya Izayoi(A) |
21/01/03 07:31 |
81KB |
Lunatic |
All Clear |
453,874,980 |
21/01/03(Sun),07:37:29 |
1.00b |
0.00% |
th14_01.rpy |
1cc |
EoSD |
Yuyutato |
Marisa Kirisame(B) |
12/30/20 |
64KB |
Normal |
83,556,840 |
21/01/03(Sun),07:00:02 |
0.427473% |
th6_01.rpy |
I H A T E T H I S G A M E |