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« 1 ..... 131 132 133 134 135 ..... 154 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human Ratio (A)Record Date
FINAL LoLK Reimu Hakurei 340,976,160 All Clear 2022-02-21 18:34:58
1.00b Normal 0.000% 22/02/07 16:26
Mino (Mino)DDC Sakuya Izayoi(B) 2,290,586,490 All Clear 2022-05-02 05:53:22
1.00b Lunatic 0.000% 22/05/01 15:23
CEGA (SystemRestart)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(A) 108,661,130 Clear 2022-08-29 07:12:42
Hard 0.339% 08/28/22
Hard 1cc w/ ReimuA. Very proud of this run for the most part, besides 1 needless death and a couple stupid bombs. Very good run overall though, even finished with multiple lives left!
1MN (Victim)PCB Reimu Hakurei(B) 645,911,100 Clear 2022-11-20 20:37:30 No Bomb Usage
1.00b Normal 0 0.117% 06/16
BON_LNN (繝懊ル繧ケ)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 1,147,114,720 All Clear 2023-02-04 01:31:49 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.010% 23/02/04 00:59
ReimuA LNN
Feli (Feli)SA Reimu Hakurei(B) 1,023,582,980 All Clear 2023-04-21 23:56:42
1.00a Normal 0.000% 23/04/21 22:46
1.023b uooooooooooooo
ZZZZZZ EoSD Marisa Kirisame(B) 5,804,290 2023-06-26 11:32:49
Lunatic 0.505% 06/26/23
Echo6LNN (Echo Alert)UFO Reimu Hakurei(A) 89,471,140 Stage 6 2023-09-13 09:53:35 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/09/12 20:45
My first byakuren lnnn!
Link (Link)DDC Sakuya Izayoi(A) 428,094,670 All Clear 2024-01-06 07:26:59
1.00b Lunatic 0.000% 24/01/05 20:05
DDC Sakuya first lunatic in a decade
C.Angel (CyberAngel)MoF Reimu Hakurei(C) 494,224,080 All Clear 2025-02-10 04:00:59
1.00a Easy 0.000% 25/02/09 21:00
MSNB SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 642,901,160 All Clear 2018-12-22 11:47:07 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.050% 18/12/20 14:40
Piranha (Piranha)LoLK Marisa Kirisame 321,674,810 All Clear 2020-02-21 07:28:55
1.00b Easy 0.000% 19/11/11 23:26
Took a while to get the other ones.
Dan (Dan)ISC Seija Kijin 152,490
(Raiko Horikawa)
2020-05-30 23:30:05
1.00a 5-1 0.240% 20/01/29 13:25
Scrub (Scrub)EoSD Marisa Kirisame(B) 92,865,670 2020-07-07 13:31:32
Hard 0.640% 07/07/20
My second ever hard mode 1cc
AspyNBX (Aspy)MoF Reimu Hakurei(B) 275,316,000 Stage Clear 2020-09-30 12:10:38 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Extra 0 0.000% 20/09/29 20:02
Dan (dannan14)MoF Reimu Hakurei(A) 1,302,100,350 All Clear 2020-12-01 20:26:56
1.00a Easy 0.030% 20/11/30 22:25
PFS Submission
Thiago (Thiago)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(A) 167,618,220 2021-05-02 19:25:40
Extra 0.122% 01/01/21
F.Lock (Fint)EoSD Marisa Kirisame(A) 198,964,330 Clear 2021-06-02 15:13:08 No Bomb Usage
Lunatic 0 0.098% 06/02/21
All Clear
Dominik (Ord)UM Marisa Kirisame 737,440,110 Stage Clear 2021-07-12 18:31:55
1.00a Extra 0.050% 21/05/07 10:22
UM Extra with Marisa; Items:Missiles+Wolf+MikoLaser
COZExNN (ThiagoCOZ)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(B) 230,297,710 Clear 2021-10-02 00:25:41 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
Extra 0 0 0.109% 10/01/21
My first ExNN ever!
NNNNNNNNUM Sanae Kochiya 10,445,590 Stage 3 2021-12-17 18:26:16
1.00a Normal 0.130% 21/12/17 15:49
TSG (TSG)UM Sanae Kochiya 3,108,217,590 Stage Clear 2022-02-21 21:22:55
1.00a Extra 0.010% 22/02/07 21:39
CB NNN UM Reimu Hakurei 702,097,810 Stage Clear 2022-08-29 18:03:38 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Extra 0 0 0.050% 22/08/28 23:51
fusuma (fusuma)GFW RouteC-1 65,511,300 All Clear 2022-11-20 23:23:00 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.030% 22/09/16 22:59
KComment (KirbyComment)DS Hatate Himekaidou 385,610 Well Bucket 「Flying in a Well」
2023-02-04 22:01:31
1.00a 3-3 0.000% 23/02/04 13:31
I found a new strategy (partly thanks to Pigeon) where you move up prematurely to misdirect the kunai more effectively. This even makes photos score higher without mentos optimization. SoB = 97,502 + (104,771x3) = 411,815
smilelkj (smilelkj)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(B) 146,884,090 2023-04-22 17:57:37 No MissesNo Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
Normal 0 0 0.258% 04/22/23
aetenr (aetenr)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 1,126,601,370 All Clear 2023-06-26 13:10:53 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.020% 23/06/25 20:45
ReimuA 4MNB
FawLNNN (AwfullyFawfully)UFO Reimu Hakurei(A) 342,073,080 All Clear 2023-09-14 20:25:04 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/09/13 08:56
NNHS (NNHS)DDC Sakuya Izayoi(A) 719,522,230 All Clear 2024-03-27 00:32:31 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 24/03/24 20:26
Returned to Touhou after AFK for 5 years and got my 4th (or 3rd) LNN
BLS NNN (bluebus)HSiFS Aya Shameimaru 221,188,780 All Clear 2024-10-14 10:06:28 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 24/10/13 17:59
Aya Summer LNNN
smilelkj (smilelkj)UM Reimu Hakurei 1,163,395,980 All Clear 2025-02-10 05:04:05 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Easy 0 0 0.020% 25/02/10 02:32
UM Easy Reimu No Hammer NMNBFS 1.16b
s3! EoSD Reimu Hakurei(B) 85,617,000 Clear 2018-12-24 05:19:23
Lunatic 0.159% 12/23/18
LNB congrats?
Piranha (Piranha)LoLK Sanae Kochiya 347,856,260 All Clear 2020-02-21 07:30:15
1.00b Easy 0.000% 19/11/15 19:54
Forgot to upload them.
Dan (Dan)ISC Seija Kijin 564,060 Love Sign 「Wide Master」
(Marisa Kirisame)
2020-05-30 23:30:50
1.00a 7-1 0.000% 20/01/29 13:31
Helio (Helio)LoLK Reisen Udongein Inaba 442,883,300 All Clear 2020-07-07 19:24:46
1.00b Hard 0.000% 18/05/21 22:09
just for TRS lol
Fuck (Ricco)UFO Marisa Kirisame(A) 187,318,820 All Clear 2020-10-01 08:35:40
1.00b Normal 0.000% 20/09/20 18:37
smh, messed up some of my best bits
Borealis (Borealis)EoSD Marisa Kirisame(B) 291,613,620 Clear 2020-12-02 01:04:52
Hard 0.296% 12/01/20
s2c10 LoLK Sanae Kochiya 145,445,000 Stage 2 2021-06-03 03:56:20
1.00b Lunatic 0.120% 21/06/03 03:55
Dominik (Ord)UM Sakuya Izayoi 640,948,990 Stage Clear 2021-07-12 18:32:51
1.00a Extra 0.030% 21/05/07 17:23
UM Extra with Sakuya; Items:ShanghaiDoll+Wolf+MikoLaser
Suika (Suika's Cereal)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 51,219,020 All Clear 2021-10-02 06:08:10 Other Condition
1.00a Easy 0.000% 21/10/01 16:05
An Easy Mode Reimu A Pacifist run, I have no clue which is the longest, but I think I chose the wrong game


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