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« 1 ..... 16 17 18 19 20 ..... 146 »
PlayerGame (D)Character RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
BLS 1M (bluebus)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 220,199,380 All Clear 2020-09-02 07:23:31 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 20/09/01 15:21
1 miss to preta #2 HAHAHAHA
CExNFNR (KDA)HSiFS Cirno 60,805,560 Stage Clear 2022-06-14 12:00:16 No Focused MovementOther Condition
1.00a Extra 0.040% 22/06/13 22:49
No Focus No Release with Cirno
BLS NNN (bluebus)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 224,870,040 All Clear 2023-12-08 08:37:47 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.070% 23/12/07 14:50
Reimu Summer LNNN
Tri 1cc (Trifortay)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 166,482,550 All Clear 2022-01-31 08:24:10
1.00a Normal 0.000% 22/01/30 18:22
Reimu Spring Normal 1cc
CresTAS (Crested)HSiFS Aya Shameimaru 210,603,400 All Clear 2020-05-26 15:06:57 Tool-Assisted ReplayOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 57/09/07 08:04
HSiFS TriUltra TAS. Use the TriUltra patch at
RExNBFR (KDA)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 89,492,730 Stage Clear 2022-06-15 02:22:52 No Focused MovementNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Extra 0 0.030% 22/06/14 13:18
No Bomb No Focus No Release with Reimu
NicExNNNHSiFS Reimu Hakurei 165,858,830 Stage Clear 2018-12-01 08:51:08 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Extra 0 0 0.000% 17/12/02 19:06
ExNNN. 4th perfect extra [TrickOfHat]
WHY (bluebus)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 218,925,110 All Clear 2020-09-04 15:04:15 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 20/09/03 23:02
3 miss, all to free stuff
Mhmd (Mhmd)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 169,309,590 All Clear 2024-09-18 02:20:24
1.00a Normal 0.000% 24/09/11 14:01
First HSiFS Normal 1cc
BLS 1M (bluebus)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 218,711,870 All Clear 2021-02-07 08:25:51 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/02/06 15:20
1 miss to snowman
sphaeNNB (sphae)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 103,905,260 All Clear 2021-11-16 08:40:57 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Normal 0 0.090% 21/11/08 20:36
Pretty challenging Normal NBNR
zvs_7.5b (zvs)HSiFS Aya Shameimaru 7,597,692,410 All Clear 2023-06-10 23:13:27
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 23/06/10 23:09
3-0end 7.5b!
smilelkj (smilelkj)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 171,760,740 All Clear 2023-12-12 19:50:28 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Normal 0 0 0.000% 23/12/12 18:44
HSiFS Normal Marisa Autumn NMNBNRFS
RWHNF (KDA)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 375,285,920 All Clear 2022-06-18 09:12:33 No Focused Movement
1.00a Hard 0.100% 22/06/17 20:07
My very first Hard challenge run. Probably not as impressive as No Bomb though
oh ok (bluebus)HSiFS Aya Shameimaru 216,889,810 All Clear 2024-03-09 19:22:36 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.190% 24/03/09 02:18
1m to narumi 1st spell
zvs_rta (zvs)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 276,015,440 Stage Clear 2023-09-09 17:36:21
1.00a Extra 0.000% 23/09/09 16:23
RTA 6:22
toi (toimine)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 856,235,680 All Clear 2021-09-11 18:28:08 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/09/11 13:57
lunatic no bomb hell yes release
OkinaRun (Suika's Cereal)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 282,777,300 Stage Clear 2022-06-20 18:40:46 Other Condition
1.00a Extra 0.010% 22/06/20 04:16
Idk if this is WR for fastest HSiFS extra clear since the fastest time I could find was a 7:06, and this is either a 7:01, 702: or a 7:03 (laptop stopwatch didn't respond much), sub 7 minute is my current goal now
KDK (KDK)HSiFS Aya Shameimaru 2,056,649,840 All Clear 2022-11-03 06:18:28
1.00a Easy 0.020% 22/11/03 06:07
TOI (toimine)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 93,206,100 1 ~ 6 2023-04-05 23:53:41
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 23/04/05 19:52
TeraLNB (Teragat)HSiFS Cirno 141,927,530 All Clear 2022-11-05 03:23:33 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 22/09/28 16:44
CirnoSummer LNBNR
AGR ExNN (Aggressor)HSiFS Cirno 165,302,280 Stage Clear 2023-04-06 04:23:17 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Extra 0 0 0.000% 23/04/05 21:18
smol ice fairy defeats Hidden God of Gensokyo
zvs_33.7 (zvs)HSiFS Cirno 3,374,633,610 All Clear 2022-02-10 13:29:52
1.00a Normal 0.000% 22/02/10 13:27
winter scoring
CEGA (SystemRestart)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 135,074,200 All Clear 2023-12-23 16:02:22 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Easy 0 0 0.000% 23/12/23 01:30
ReimuWi Easy 1cc NMNB. Was a very fun run. Almost a No Release too
EchoNBNR (Echo Alert)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 152,507,790 All Clear 2022-11-08 15:00:51 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 22/11/08 00:57
My first LNBNR
EchoHPSI (Echo Alert)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 6,704,220 Stage 6 2023-06-20 10:41:35
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 23/06/19 21:36
HPSI phase 4 timeout!!! (thprac needed for viewing, I guess)
TeraLNB (Teragat)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 151,284,650 All Clear 2021-04-26 05:45:58 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/04/25 17:51
LNBNR MarisaSpring
LNNN!!!! (SpiritualPanthon)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 231,240,520 All Clear 2023-04-09 14:26:53 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/04/09 02:13
8th LNNN! F Behind Festival and Black Snowman
zvs_8.1b (zvs)HSiFS Aya Shameimaru 8,131,288,240 All Clear 2024-03-13 22:24:04
1.00a Lunatic 0.010% 24/03/13 22:15
0-0 end 8.13b!!!
EchoEXNN (Echo Alert)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 160,970,190 Stage Clear 2023-01-25 08:14:34 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Extra 0 0 0.000% 23/01/24 17:44
BLS 1M (bluebus)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 213,871,730 All Clear 2023-06-21 08:42:52 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.140% 23/06/20 14:51
1m to hpsi #2
KGR (kamoneko)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 211,411,900 All Clear 2023-12-26 15:17:09 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/12/26 15:13
T-T (ashiteru73)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 98,465,260 Stage Clear 2020-09-17 10:47:27 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Extra 0 0.000% 20/09/17 08:42
i'm not skilled enough to do this T-T)
Nanami (Benren)HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 235,615,680 All Clear 2021-04-27 03:45:23 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.030% 21/01/22 14:23
BLS NNN (bluebus)HSiFS Cirno 230,035,200 All Clear 2023-04-11 06:55:29 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/04/10 14:21
Cirno Fall LNNN
Nanami (Benren)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 3,664,124,350 All Clear 2021-04-27 04:40:28
1.00a Lunatic 0.020% 21/04/24 06:48
Reimu+Summer Scoring 3.66B
KDK (KDK)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 7,363,329,890 All Clear 2022-02-15 04:37:04
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 22/01/29 06:11
Tri 1cc (Trifortay)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 178,571,790 All Clear 2022-04-27 00:02:27
1.00a Normal 0.000% 22/04/26 11:04
I guess I'm not rusty
MSNBNR HSiFS Marisa Kirisame 155,497,860 All Clear 2020-02-02 12:22:53 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.030% 20/02/02 11:52
snowman bad
GaeLNBNR (Gastari)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 138,698,790 All Clear 2021-02-21 01:25:36 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/02/20 15:48
9th LNB and my first LNBNR in HSiFS. I got the run surprisingly fast, not gonna complain though !


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