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« 1 ..... 83 84 85 86 87 ..... 142 »
Player (A)GameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
LNNN (IZNZI)IN 2,300,950,410 Clear 2024-02-16 03:07:57 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 100.00% 2024/02/16 02:55
No Focus LNN LS:9/10
LNNN (SNT)PCB Sakuya Izayoi(A) 977,861,850 Clear 2022-11-02 17:35:10 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.099% 10/31
LNNN (KPnyanko)UM Marisa Kirisame 1,563,673,400 All Clear 2024-06-23 00:31:27
1.00a Lunatic 0.070% 24/06/23 00:10
Marisa LNNN #2
LNNN 36 (IZNZI)IN 2,372,473,750 Clear 2024-06-09 21:30:56 No MissesNo Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.100% 100.00% 2024/06/09 21:18
LNN No Focus 36/37
LNNN 36 (IZNZI)IN 2,323,895,470 Clear 2024-06-11 23:35:02 No MissesNo Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 100.00% 2024/06/11 23:09
LNN No Focus 36/37 #3
LNNN 36 (IZNZI)IN 2,387,486,590 Clear 2024-06-14 01:25:00 No MissesNo Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 100.00% 2024/06/14 01:21
LNN No Focus 36/37 #4
LNNN 36 (IZNZI)IN 2,449,634,920 Clear 2024-06-19 00:56:51 No MissesNo Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 100.00% 2024/06/18 07:47
LNN No Focus 36/37 #5
LNNN!!!! (SpiritualPanthon)PCB Sakuya Izayoi(A) 932,187,710 2022-07-10 13:31:03 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.079% 07/09
Perfect PCB!
LNNN!!!! (SpiritualPanthon)UM Sanae Kochiya 2,023,959,390 All Clear 2024-01-16 08:28:47 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 24/01/15 20:25
This one took a LONG time to complete, but i've finally done it. 9th LNN!
LNNN!!!! (SpiritualPanthon)HSiFS Reimu Hakurei 231,240,520 All Clear 2023-04-09 14:26:53 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/04/09 02:13
8th LNNN! F Behind Festival and Black Snowman
LNNNFS (IZNZI)TD Reimu Hakurei 380,459,970 All Clear 2023-07-26 20:05:12
1.00c Lunatic 0.000% 23/07/24 23:59
LNNNFS (IZNZI)PCB Sakuya Izayoi(A) 999,160,570 2023-08-04 02:21:10 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.098% 08/04
LNNNN (Aevean Leeow)WBaWC Youmu Konpaku (Eagle Spirit) 615,785,620 All Clear 2024-07-25 08:41:51 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 24/07/24 17:45
Sixth LNN+. I overcame wobbly key cognitohazards by pressing really hard
LNNNN (Aevean Leeow)WBaWC Marisa Kirisame (Wolf Spirit) 619,083,600 All Clear 2024-01-17 12:27:17 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.010% 24/01/16 20:43
Third LNN+. Had over 10 1 Miss runs before winning.
LNNNN (Oscar)WBaWC Marisa Kirisame (Wolf Spirit) 759,745,830 All Clear 2023-07-11 01:27:18 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/04/25 20:05
LNNNN (Aevean Leeow)WBaWC Youmu Konpaku (Otter Spirit) 587,170,500 All Clear 2023-09-08 13:04:56 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 23/09/07 21:25
Second LNN+
LNNNN (Aevean Leeow)WBaWC Reimu Hakurei (Wolf Spirit) 595,627,240 All Clear 2024-06-21 09:43:08 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.010% 24/06/20 18:29
Fourth LNN+. Got this in two days, ReiO TWC prep was training weights
LNNNN (Aevean Leeow)WBaWC Marisa Kirisame (Eagle Spirit) 607,443,950 All Clear 2024-06-24 04:25:33 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.010% 24/06/23 14:41
Fifth LNN+. Got this in three attempts, very similar shot strength to MariW/ReiW.
LNNNN (Aevean Leeow)WBaWC Youmu Konpaku (Wolf Spirit) 590,680,800 All Clear 2023-06-22 10:06:32 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.040% 23/06/21 19:27
LNNNN. first LNN
LNNNN!!! (SpiritualPanthon)WBaWC Reimu Hakurei (Wolf Spirit) 694,658,690 All Clear 2022-05-31 07:56:54 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 22/05/28 23:55
got a third one! nice!
LNN~Faf (Faf)GFW RouteA-2 63,737,840 All Clear 2021-09-19 12:47:35 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.670% 21/09/18 23:38
First LNN done in 1 week 2 days. Sowaker furry
LNTCfail (test)IN Reimu & Yukari 258,392,620 Stage 3 2020-12-10 10:25:12
1.00d Lunatic 6 13 0.000% 36.67% 2020/12/09 20:17
LoFi (LoFi)StB Aya Shameimaru 136,490 Puppeteer Sign 「Dolls in Sea」
(Alice Margatroid)
2023-02-19 08:53:08
1.02a 3-3 0.000% 23/01/29 11:03
LoFi (LoFi)StB Aya Shameimaru 140,900
(Sakuya Izayoi)
2023-02-19 08:54:12
1.02a 7-1 0.000% 23/01/29 11:06
LoFi (LoFi)StB Aya Shameimaru 92,800 Night Sign 「Midnight Bird」
2023-02-19 22:45:54
1.02a 1-6 0.000% 23/02/18 19:13
lol (Lwiizi)SA Marisa Kirisame(B) 116,525,980 1 ~ 6 2021-08-28 12:39:15
1.00a-EN Normal 0.000% 21/08/28 00:31
s6 orin fucking dies
LOL (InceRabbit)IN Marisa & Alice 2,050,427,700 Clear 2019-12-13 04:41:55
1.00d-NDT Lunatic 7 1 0.158% 61.17% 2019/12/12 22:07
I am not sure if I should be happy or sad
LoLK LNN (Anna says hi)SA Marisa Kirisame(B) 944,252,040 All Clear 2022-08-23 11:29:29 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 22/08/22 18:57
LoLNNNFS (Lost0525)TD Youmu Konpaku 301,059,520 All Clear 2024-05-27 17:49:12
1.00c Lunatic 0.000% 24/05/24 00:12
LOLO 2M (LorennaRose)EoSD Marisa Kirisame(B) 218,194,080 Clear 2021-04-08 14:49:20 No Bomb Usage
Lunatic 0 0.415% 04/08/21
forever bottom
LONG (DuyLong(VN))UM Sakuya Izayoi 282,150,410 All Clear 2022-05-07 16:26:13
1.00a Lunatic 0.220% 21/12/10 13:47
Sakuya Alternate Ending route Lunatic 1cc + Cirno Crd
LONG (DuyLong(VN))UM Reimu Hakurei 717,491,960 All Clear 2022-06-26 18:12:06
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 21/06/29 15:59
my first UM lunatic 1cc from long ago
LONGIEL@ (gabrielmfg1)PCB Sakuya Izayoi(A) 140,517,050 2023-10-23 06:35:51
1.00b Extra 0.049% 10/22
sakuya A
LOW 37m PoFV 咲夜 0 Story 2022-06-27 00:53:44
1.50a Lunatic 0.000% 5.0 vs 5.0 22/06/27
LSPAMCP (Yuyutato)PCB Reimu Hakurei(A) 16,114,420 2020-09-01 00:18:54 Other Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0.000% 09/01
Captured The Spam on Lunatic (Use Practice Patch)
Lucas PCB Sakuya Izayoi(A) 679,120,040 2017-10-23 22:11:36
1.00b Phantasm 0.000% 05/03
Phantasm; No miss clear
LUL (Pan)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(A) 218,301,330 Clear 2021-12-06 03:12:03 No Bomb Usage
Lunatic 0 0.326% 11/14/21
LulaLa (ChimubDesu)LoLK Reisen Udongein Inaba 407,445,730 All Clear 2023-04-30 02:11:13
1.00b Normal 0.010% 23/04/29 14:05
LUNA 1CC (fatassduck)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,254,918,600 Clear 2022-01-28 15:20:11
1.00d Lunatic 8 26 0.000% 34.95% 2021/12/07 13:37
nearly choked but clutched it out in the end
LUNA 1CCPCB Reimu Hakurei(B) 564,122,850 2021-12-19 05:53:42
1.00b Lunatic 0.168% 12/02


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