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Submitting world record level high scores? Protect your achievements and name by registering and submitting your runs on Akyu's High Score Entry Records!
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Player (A) | Game | Character Route | Score | Progress / Spell Card | Upload Date | Special Conditions |
Version | Difficulty | Misses | Spells | Slow% | Human Ratio | Record Date |
Comments |
Lib (Lib) | LoLK |
Reisen Udongein Inaba |
580,862,780 |
All Clear |
2020-08-02 13:37:53 |
1.00b |
Hard |
0.070% |
20/08/02 11:35 |
LoLK Hard1cc with Reisen. 6th Hard 1cc |
Lib (Lib) | MoF |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
323,657,370 |
All Clear |
2020-08-02 14:16:29 |
1.00a |
Hard |
0.040% |
20/08/02 12:15 |
MoF Hard1cc with ReimuB. 7th Hard 1cc. I still suck |
Lib (Lib) | LoLK |
Sanae Kochiya |
441,729,390 |
All Clear |
2021-07-05 21:16:53 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0 |
0.040% |
21/07/02 17:41 |
LoLK Normal No Bomb (9MNB). Pog run which is a perfect until Clownpiece's 2nd spell. |
Lib (Lib) | UM |
Sakuya Izayoi |
805,410,090 |
All Clear |
2021-05-26 20:40:53 |
1.00a |
Easy |
0.490% |
21/05/15 15:33 |
Touhou 18 Lunatic 1cc |
Lib (Lib) | UM |
Sanae Kochiya |
1,177,502,650 |
All Clear |
2021-05-26 20:43:27 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
1.470% |
21/05/20 16:15 |
Touhou 18 Lunatic 1cc (whoops) |
LibENN (Libby) | HSiFS |
Marisa Kirisame |
131,121,870 |
All Clear |
2020-04-18 21:44:44 |
1.00a |
Easy |
0.240% |
20/04/18 19:10 |
HSiFS ENNN run |
LIBRA (Libra) | UM |
Reimu Hakurei |
1,157,990,650 |
All Clear |
2024-10-25 21:20:14 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0 |
0.000% |
24/10/25 20:40 |
LNNN Reimu |
LIBRA (Libra) | WBaWC |
Youmu Konpaku (Otter Spirit) |
626,465,000 |
All Clear |
2024-11-06 19:06:35 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0 |
0 |
0.010% |
24/11/06 19:02 |
LIBRA (Libra) | UFO |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
352,236,750 |
All Clear |
2024-08-12 18:20:00 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0 |
0 |
0.000% |
24/08/12 18:18 |
LIBRA (Libra) | GFW |
RouteA-1 |
63,744,260 |
All Clear |
2024-08-20 19:31:35 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0 |
0.000% |
24/08/20 19:27 |
LikeABos (person) | EoSD |
Marisa Kirisame(B) |
16,798,200 |
2023-11-01 11:39:22 |
Normal |
0 |
0 |
0.414% |
10/31/23 |
Normal stage 3 NMNB. Recorded while practicing to beat the full game. |
Lim (LimuleTumpest) | MoF |
Marisa Kirisame(B) |
240,025,500 |
All Clear |
2022-12-10 06:59:05 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0.000% |
22/12/09 22:27 |
Lim (Limule) | UM |
Marisa Kirisame |
293,203,600 |
Stage Clear |
2023-03-16 02:16:29 |
1.00a |
Extra |
0 |
0.000% |
23/03/15 16:49 |
I hate Dragon Eater |
Lim (LimuleTumpest) | UM |
Marisa Kirisame |
624,382,760 |
Stage Clear |
2023-04-08 19:29:31 |
1.00a |
Extra |
0 |
0.010% |
23/04/08 01:13 |
Meme run |
LimHNB (LimuleTumpest) | MoF |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
267,410,330 |
All Clear |
2023-07-24 02:02:10 |
1.00a |
Hard |
0 |
0.000% |
23/07/23 18:57 |
Link (Link) | DDC |
Sakuya Izayoi(A) |
428,094,670 |
All Clear |
2024-01-06 07:26:59 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
24/01/05 20:05 |
DDC Sakuya first lunatic in a decade |
Lisbon3M (Lisbon) | SA |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
558,844,900 |
Stage Clear |
2023-04-01 09:34:42 |
1.00a |
Extra |
0 |
0.050% |
23/03/31 20:28 |
SA Extra 3 Miss No Bomb |
LisbonNM (Lisbon) | TD |
Youmu Konpaku |
230,843,410 |
All Clear |
2022-12-20 04:50:28 |
1.00c |
Normal |
0 |
0 |
0.000% |
22/12/19 12:58 |
TD Youmu Normal Perfect (No Miss No Bomb No Trance) |
LisbonNM (Lisbon) | MoF |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
734,559,760 |
All Clear |
2023-02-02 02:36:32 |
1.00a |
Normal |
0 |
0 |
0.000% |
23/01/31 21:51 |
MoF Reimu A Normal Perfect (No Miss No Bomb) |
LisbonNM (Lisbon) | SA |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
792,654,650 |
Stage Clear |
2023-04-23 10:07:23 |
1.00a |
Extra |
0 |
0 |
0.000% |
23/04/22 20:16 |
SA Extra No Miss No Bomb (Reimu A) |
Marisa Kirisame(B) |
98,270,330 |
2021-11-20 02:35:27 |
Extra |
0.114% |
06/05/19 |
My first extra stage yay |
lmagus (lmagus) | UFO |
Marisa Kirisame(A) |
155,882,870 |
All Clear |
2022-04-25 16:48:29 |
1.00b |
Easy |
8.560% |
22/04/22 13:02 |
lmagus (lmagus) | PCB |
Sakuya Izayoi(A) |
305,596,740 |
Clear |
2022-04-25 16:50:13 |
1.00b |
Normal |
0.043% |
04/22 |
LMAO (Evening Star) | EoSD |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
120,044,500 |
2024-12-03 03:53:42 |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.260% |
12/02/24 |
Chill |
LMAOOOOO (ZoeyGreen) | EoSD |
Marisa Kirisame(B) |
19,090,460 |
2020-07-14 09:44:42 |
Easy |
0.416% |
07/14/20 |
First uploaded TouHou run. Easy Mode 1CC attempt. |
lmky (lmky) | SA |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
3,037,584,400 |
All Clear |
2023-11-28 13:19:49 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
23/11/24 15:12 |
sooo insan at this game |
lmky (lmky) | SA |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
1,199,326,030 |
All Clear |
2024-06-29 05:21:19 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0 |
0.000% |
24/05/12 07:38 |
sdgffs |
LNB (BananaWalrus) | EoSD |
Marisa Kirisame(A) |
150,710,220 |
Clear |
2022-09-20 03:08:56 |
Lunatic |
0.254% |
09/19/22 |
Lnb (Aggressor) | TD |
Reimu Hakurei |
412,018,520 |
All Clear |
2021-01-01 08:11:38 |
1.00c |
Lunatic |
0.100% |
20/12/31 23:33 |
LNB (muri) | LoLK |
Reimu Hakurei |
621,716,630 |
All Clear |
2020-03-27 21:13:55 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
20/03/08 16:51 |
LNB (CopperMarten) | LoLK |
Reimu Hakurei |
541,561,770 |
All Clear |
2021-05-15 20:16:40 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
21/04/13 16:06 |
random LNB credit for hakurei league |
LNB | EoSD |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
144,869,210 |
2018-09-04 08:26:58 |
Lunatic |
0.307% |
09/01/18 |
Simonrai EoSD LNB |
LNB (BananaWalrus) | UFO |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
273,480,840 |
All Clear |
2022-10-21 01:19:48 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0.000% |
22/10/20 19:00 |
LNB (CraftTek) | UFO |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
298,834,610 |
All Clear |
2023-03-28 21:12:09 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
23/03/28 13:26 |
First LNB |
LNB FoF (Flare of Fire) | EoSD |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
165,515,800 |
Clear |
2021-03-01 07:55:30 |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.261% |
02/28/21 |
LNB FoF (Flare of Fire) | IN |
Remilia & Sakuya |
2,269,777,730 |
Clear |
2020-12-19 08:09:21 |
1.00d-NDT |
Lunatic |
7 |
0 |
0.000% |
28.55% |
2020/12/18 17:02 |
LNB FoF (Flare of Fire) | MoF |
Reimu Hakurei(B) |
486,977,140 |
All Clear |
2020-12-26 03:24:20 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.020% |
20/12/25 12:20 |
Only took a perfect Aya and Sanae fight to get this, lol |
LNB FoF (Flare of Fire) | SA |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
679,484,470 |
All Clear |
2020-08-22 13:32:27 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
20/08/21 21:31 |
LNB FoF (FlareofFire) | DDC |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
494,762,960 |
All Clear |
2020-09-05 13:36:12 |
1.00b |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.000% |
20/07/19 14:32 |
LNB kdc (kdc) | SA |
Reimu Hakurei(A) |
555,341,260 |
All Clear |
2021-03-29 01:45:00 |
1.00a |
Lunatic |
0 |
0.020% |
21/03/28 17:35 |
stage 6 trainwreck |
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