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« 1 ..... 108 109 110 111 112 ..... 150 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
DAGOTH (Dagoth2hu)PoFV 妖夢 0 Clear 2020-12-30 08:14:05
1.50a Extra 0.000% 5.0 vs 5.0 20/12/29
Myau (Colonel Myau)DDC Reimu Hakurei(A) 299,665,640 All Clear 2020-12-30 04:36:53
1.00b Normal 0.000% 20/12/29 22:15
DDC Normal 1cc run. This game was funny, hope to play more later.
Clrscr UFO Reimu Hakurei(A) 115,986,290 All Clear 2020-12-29 10:53:46
1.00b Normal 0.000% 20/12/28 18:02
Normal 1cc
DAGOTH (Dagoth2hu)PoFV 妖夢 0 Clear 2020-12-29 08:29:45
1.50a Lunatic 0.000% 5.0 vs 5.0 20/12/28
BLS 5M (bluebus)IN Sakuya & Remilia 2,973,706,420 Clear 2020-12-29 01:43:58 No Bomb Usage
1.00d Lunatic 5 0 0.000% 27.36% 2020/12/28 08:07
5miss + 2 failed last spells
Borealis (Borealis)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(A) 8,844,530 2020-12-29 01:15:24
Normal 0.337% 12/28/20
awesome collab replay
Dream (Dream)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(B) 60,870,710 Clear 2020-12-28 15:37:42 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
Easy 0 0 0.431% 12/28/20
Crisp NB (Crispyz)IN Reimu & Yukari 1,646,743,690 Clear 2020-12-28 03:29:31 No Bomb Usage
1.00d Hard 9 0 0.000% 32.14% 2020/12/27 18:27
HNB (Hard No Bomb)
DAGOTH (Dagoth2hu)PoFV 妖夢 0 Clear 2020-12-28 00:44:17
1.50a Lunatic 0.000% 5.0 vs 5.0 20/12/27
jetto (jettoraispr)PoFV 霊夢 0 Story 2020-12-27 05:40:06 Other Condition
1.50a Lunatic 0.000% 5.0 vs 5.0 20/12/26
Lunatic no charge
NicoMarB (Chitsuhana)SA Marisa Kirisame(B) 183,496,260 All Clear 2020-12-26 04:56:07
1.00a Normal 0.000% 20/12/12 15:11
Never assume I've practiced a single final spell
AspyL1cc (Aspy)WBaWC Marisa Kirisame (Wolf Spirit) 723,683,720 All Clear 2020-12-26 04:46:53
1.00b Lunatic 0.030% 20/12/25 11:40
My first ever lunatic 1cc
LNB FoF (Flare of Fire)MoF Reimu Hakurei(B) 486,977,140 All Clear 2020-12-26 03:24:20 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.020% 20/12/25 12:20
Only took a perfect Aya and Sanae fight to get this, lol
Crested (Crested)PCB Marisa Kirisame(A) 743,296,160 2020-12-26 01:30:56
1.00b Lunatic 0.092% 12/25
L1B (toimine)PCB Reimu Hakurei(B) 511,141,300 Clear 2020-12-25 23:11:15 Other Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0.717% 12/25
one bomb
Myau (Colonel Myau)TD Reimu Hakurei 164,358,610 All Clear 2020-12-25 21:46:20
1.00c Normal 0.050% 20/12/24 23:00
TD Normal 1cc run. Game has a slower pace, but Miko is threatening. Hard mode would be spooky.
Crisp (Crispyz)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 808,073,590 All Clear 2020-12-25 02:37:49
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 20/12/24 16:31
Crisp (Crispyz)MoF Marisa Kirisame(B) 1,146,368,510 All Clear 2020-12-25 02:37:11
1.00a Hard 0.000% 20/12/24 15:29
DAGOTH (Dagoth2hu)GFW RouteA-1 106,837,440 All Clear 2020-12-24 09:42:03
1.00a Lunatic 0.490% 20/12/24 01:16
JoviNNFS (Jovial)IN Youmou & Yuyuko 3,618,609,610 Clear 2020-12-23 21:08:39 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 66.34% 2020/12/22 20:21
LNNFS (Final A)
YatsNB (Yatsuzume)LoLK Reisen Udongein Inaba 660,591,720 All Clear 2020-12-23 00:56:34 No Bomb Usage
1.00b Lunatic 0 0.080% 20/12/22 16:34
Random LoLK Reisen LNB
>Clrscr (Clrscr)PoFV 0 Story 2020-12-22 23:54:22
1.50a Lunatic 0.000% 5.0 vs 5.0 20/12/22
Lunatic 1cc
Yuyutato (Yuyutato)IN Youmou & Yuyuko 1,045,622,640 Clear 2020-12-22 21:30:53
1.00d Normal 9 34 0.000% 38.68% 2020/12/22 12:29
Imperishable Night Normal 1cc
Dan (dannan14)MoF Reimu Hakurei(B) 442,490,670 All Clear 2020-12-21 22:32:53
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 20/09/04 23:04
1st lunatic 1cc!
ilbss (inakilbss)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(B) 5,987,340 2020-12-21 09:34:02 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
Lunatic 0 0 1.786% 12/21/20
Scarlet Meister pointblank (thprac 2.0.1)
Crisp (Crispyz)UFO Sanae Kochiya(B) 256,430,890 All Clear 2020-12-20 12:24:15
1.00b Lunatic 0.000% 20/12/20 03:21
Eleventh Lunatic 1cc!! All Done!
BLS CBT3 (bluebus)SA Marisa Kirisame(C) 827,533,340 All Clear 2020-12-20 08:11:50 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.130% 20/12/19 15:09
MarisaC LNB
Yuyutato (Yuyutato)IN Youmou & Yuyuko 694,766,970 Stage 6-Kaguya 2020-12-20 03:27:47
1.00d Normal 10 34 0.000% 43.95% 2020/12/19 18:26
LNB FoF (Flare of Fire)IN Remilia & Sakuya 2,269,777,730 Clear 2020-12-19 08:09:21 No Bomb Usage
1.00d-NDT Lunatic 7 0 0.000% 28.55% 2020/12/18 17:02
Myau (Colonel Myau)UFO Reimu Hakurei(B) 147,990,370 All Clear 2020-12-17 06:48:05
1.00b Normal 0.000% 20/12/17 00:27
UFO Normal 1cc run. Shou is tough. Byakuren's final is a clutch.
piime (Piime)MoF Reimu Hakurei(A) 378,956,550 Stage Clear 2020-12-16 22:27:41
1.00a Extra 0.000% 20/11/06 17:20
Crisp NB (Crispyz)TD Reimu Hakurei 268,749,090 All Clear 2020-12-15 09:36:20 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00c Hard 0 0.000% 20/12/15 00:29
1MNBNT (Hard No Bomb No Trance)
Reeeplae (Replay)ISC Seija Kijin 354,010 Flying Neck 「Extreme Long Neck」
2020-12-14 06:30:00 Other Condition
1.00a 2-2 0.400% 20/12/13 18:16
I tried a NoItem clear for sekibanki ultra neck extend, didn't care about score
JoviNNFS (Jovial)IN Sakuya & Remilia 4,072,283,370 Clear 2020-12-14 05:14:15 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 28.93% 2020/12/13 20:01
LNNFS (Final B)
Anomalo (Anomalocaris)PoFV 魔理沙 0 Story 2020-12-14 03:58:35
1.50a Lunatic 0.000% 5.0 vs 5.0 20/12/12
Anomalo (Anomalocaris)LoLK Reisen Udongein Inaba 574,427,050 All Clear 2020-12-14 03:57:03
1.00b Lunatic 0.000% 20/12/11 08:07
Starks (Starks)MoF Reimu Hakurei(A) 242,524,690 All Clear 2020-12-13 10:37:51
1.00a Easy 0.000% 20/12/12 20:36
ReimuA Easy Blown ENM
Crisp NB (Crispyz)PCB Sakuya Izayoi(B) 884,263,630 Clear 2020-12-13 04:44:34 No Bomb Usage
1.00b Hard 0 0.061% 12/06
5MNB, I'm proud of this run
Crisp (Crispyz)WBaWC Marisa Kirisame (Otter Spirit) 1,297,455,550 All Clear 2020-12-13 04:42:36
1.00b Hard 0.080% 20/12/12 19:41
score gaming
Crisp (Crispyz)MoF Marisa Kirisame(B) 1,086,750,320 All Clear 2020-12-13 03:51:07
1.00a Hard 0.000% 20/12/12 18:48
1b reached!


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