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« 1 ..... 86 87 88 89 90 ..... 150 »
PlayerGameCharacter RouteScoreProgress / Spell CardUpload Date Special
VersionDifficultyMissesSpellsSlow%Human RatioRecord Date
StefanNM (ThaRedstoner)UM Reimu Hakurei 2,670,414,100 All Clear 2021-08-07 04:16:41 No Misses
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/08/06 18:25
No miss using Kiketsu Matriarch, Money Is The Best Lawyer In Hell, and Great Tengu's Barley Rice
Reimu (Qangeldratsch)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 294,881,680 All Clear 2021-08-06 18:05:59
1.00a Easy 0.000% 21/06/19 22:36
Easy 3 Miss Reimu A
AcaHL4M (Acaride)GFW RouteA-1 54,063,690 All Clear 2021-08-06 07:11:13 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/06/09 22:21
Tomzacz (Tomzacz)MoF Reimu Hakurei(B) 282,488,720 All Clear 2021-08-06 03:15:25
1.00a Lunatic 0.000% 21/08/04 14:55
third l1cc
Crisp (Crispyz)MoF Marisa Kirisame(B) 1,527,393,700 All Clear 2021-08-06 00:10:57
1.00a Lunatic 0.030% 21/08/05 16:07
AspyNNN (Aspy)UFO Reimu Hakurei(A) 276,704,680 Stage Clear 2021-08-05 12:13:21 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Extra 0 0 0.000% 21/08/04 19:39
first ExNNN. one token grabbed..
1CC (Unnamedfc)MoF Reimu Hakurei(A) 276,444,710 Clear 2021-08-04 02:40:57
1.00a Normal 0.000% 21/08/03 19:25
MOF normal 1CC reimu homing
yy (Lushie)ISC Seija Kijin 65,510 Flying Neck 「Extreme Long Neck」
2021-08-04 00:12:58
1.00a 2-2 0.000% 21/08/03 17:09
NNN (R24)EoSD Marisa Kirisame(A) 109,390,570 Clear 2021-08-03 14:44:10 No Focused MovementNo Bomb Usage
Normal 0 0.372% 08/02/21
Normal NBNF with Marisa A.
Cringe (R24)PCB Marisa Kirisame(A) 828,596,610 Clear 2021-08-03 14:39:51 No Focused MovementNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Normal 0 0.138% 08/03
Me desperately trying to do a NBNF run and score at the same time
ADDAMELE (Addamelech)MoF Reimu Hakurei(B) 709,480,270 All Clear 2021-08-03 13:36:33 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/08/02 23:31
Finally I got my LNB!
AAAAAAAA (HIMkoto)PCB Reimu Hakurei(B) 558,009,990 Clear 2021-08-03 09:14:15
1.00b Hard 0.152% 08/03
awful run but it was 2 am so what did I expect
SG RNGGG (Pieraz)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(B) 219,443,690 Clear 2021-08-02 03:15:28 No Bomb Usage
Lunatic 0 0.367% 08/01/21
Aspy (Aspy)UFO Reimu Hakurei(A) 266,393,120 Stage Clear 2021-08-01 08:59:54
1.00b Extra 0.000% 21/07/31 16:05
casual clear
RIZ UM Sanae Kochiya 1,528,018,140 All Clear 2021-08-01 06:08:46 No Misses
1.00a Normal 0 0.000% 21/05/10 21:46
3880 alt (bruh)LoLK Reisen Udongein Inaba 4,970 Stage 4 2021-08-01 00:47:33
1.00b Lunatic 0.400% 21/07/28 18:35
Heron alt strat demonstration
F.lock (Fint)TD Youmu Konpaku 388,304,470 All Clear 2021-07-31 18:27:32 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00c Lunatic 0 0.110% 21/07/20 11:31
no bomb no trance 5miss
F,Lock (Fint)PCB Marisa Kirisame(A) 897,054,710 Clear 2021-07-31 18:19:08 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0.104% 07/31
no bomb no border break
NNN (R24)DDC Marisa Kirisame(A) 463,128,080 All Clear 2021-07-31 16:43:05 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Normal 0 0.000% 21/07/31 15:34
Normal No Unfocus No Bomb with Marisa A. Was not as painful as I'd thought.
Yuyutato (Yuyutato)EoSD Marisa Kirisame(B) 123,006,210 2021-07-30 04:50:27
Hard 0.391% 07/26/21
Third Hard 1cc
Riz (Riz)UFO Reimu Hakurei(B) 574,850,660 All Clear 2021-07-30 03:40:33 No Bomb Usage
1.00b Lunatic 0 0.000% 21/06/13 00:36
AcaNB (Acaride)WBaWC Youmu Konpaku (Wolf Spirit) 685,679,570 All Clear 2021-07-28 23:29:33 No Bomb Usage
1.00b Lunatic 0 0.320% 21/07/28 00:54
I'm too nervy for Youmu
Mayo_NNN (Mayo)TD Reimu Hakurei 348,952,900 Stage Clear 2021-07-28 12:52:51 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00c Extra 0 0 0.030% 21/07/23 01:44
My first perfect extra stage run.
Jacs (SsjacsS)GFW RouteA-1 62,153,080 All Clear 2021-07-27 12:22:24 No Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0.210% 21/07/23 14:15
BLS 1M (bluebus)TD Marisa Kirisame 389,205,780 All Clear 2021-07-26 14:54:23 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00c Lunatic 0 0.060% 21/07/25 22:50
survival pb i guesss; 1 miss to futo's 3rd spell
Cao Minh (Cao Minh)PCB Reimu Hakurei(B) 649,989,620 2021-07-25 13:33:16 No Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0.325% 07/20
Practice run
s1 PCB Sakuya Izayoi(B) 30,991,800 2021-07-25 11:01:41
1.00b Lunatic 0.086% 07/25
LNKONN (AllenKO)MoF Reimu Hakurei(B) 1,446,190,630 All Clear 2021-07-25 05:40:40 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 21/07/24 21:56
My first LNN run!
JoviNNFS (Jovial)IN 2,791,955,700 Clear 2021-07-25 03:08:37 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00d Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 11.83% 2021/07/24 19:02
LNNFS (Final B, Alice)
NomeLNN (Nome287)MoF Marisa Kirisame(C) 1,390,681,980 All Clear 2021-07-24 02:40:39 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
1.00a Lunatic 0 0 0.000% 21/07/24 00:29
MarisaC LNN
Octavius (Octavius)UM Sanae Kochiya 325,719,060 All Clear 2021-07-23 15:24:31 Other Condition
1.00a Normal 0.000% 21/07/23 02:19
normal 1cc (no sutra, start w/ elixir and rabbit foot)
Tri (Trifortay)MoF Reimu Hakurei(A) 228,161,000 All Clear 2021-07-23 02:38:58
1.00a Normal 0.020% 21/07/22 13:37
Yay another 1cc, these feel good
Dan (dannan14)UFO Marisa Kirisame(B) 911,827,850 All Clear 2021-07-23 02:23:19
1.00b Normal 0.000% 21/05/22 14:34
UFO MariB Scorevival
Scrub SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 326,794,950 All Clear 2021-07-22 15:08:39
1.00a Hard 0.310% 21/07/22 13:56
Tri 1cc (Trifortay)PCB Sakuya Izayoi(A) 295,784,870 Clear 2021-07-22 04:48:18
1.00b Normal 0.148% 07/21
I was so nervous during the final for some reason
icterine (icterine)EoSD Reimu Hakurei(B) 78,764,330 2021-07-21 21:47:50 No MissesNo Bomb Usage
Lunatic 0 0 0.268% 07/20/21
After at least 10 deaths to Scarlet Gensokyo. Use with thprac.
PhilNV2M (R24)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 8,160,150 Stage 2021-07-21 00:16:12 No Vertical Movement
1.00a Extra 0.000% 21/07/20 16:37
A 2-miss, no bomb, no vertical of Koishi's second timeout, "Philosophy of a Hated Person". Reimu A is used. With enough luck, one could minimze the number of misses to 1 (to yellow section). Replay only works in thprac.
GenNV (R24)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 7,756,380 Stage 2021-07-21 00:10:08 No Vertical Movement
1.00a Extra 0.000% 21/07/18 19:02
A capture of Koishi's spellcard "Genetics of the Unconscious" with no vertical movement, using Reimu A. A speedkill strat with a bit of luck in one part, so consistency could be improved.Only works in thprac.
SR NV (R24)SA Reimu Hakurei(A) 4,095,780 Stage 2021-07-20 23:04:19 No Vertical Movement
1.00a Extra 0.000% 21/07/20 21:57
A capture of Koishi's final spellcard, "Subterranean Rose" with no vertical movement, using Reimu A. Only works in thprac.
BEN_NNNN (BeheeyemBREAK)WBaWC Youmu Konpaku (Otter Spirit) 636,453,390 All Clear 2021-07-20 19:30:40 No MissesNo Bomb UsageOther Condition
1.00b Lunatic 0 0 0.530% 21/07/20 06:07
Youmu Otter LNNNN


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